The Tom Bearden


"Dossier Priore"
by Jean-Michel Graille



Plate 1 The inauguration:  the construction of the M 600 had not yet started but, symbolically, the Mayor of Bordeaux starts the smaller machine at close range.
(Archives R.P.)
Plate 2 Inaugural scroll.
Plate 3 An information meeting held in Bordeaux.  From left to right:  Antoine Priore, Robert Courrier, Raymond Pautrizel and Francis Berlureau.
(Archives R.P.)
Plate 4 February 1975.  Antoine Priore and Professor Pautrizel at the "suspended" base of the M 600, the enormous experimental prototype built by Leroy-Somer.  The apparatus would only function for a few days but did make it possible to carry out some experiments with very promising results.
Plate 5 Anne-Nelly Pautrizel.  Professor Pautrizel's sister and collaborator, who participated in almost all the experiments with the Priore apparatus since 1968.
(Photo J.M.G.)
Plate 6 Pierette Châteaureynaud-Duprat, head of research at C.N.R.S., doctor of science and specialist in grafts, carried out  in 1969 and 1970 two series of decisive experiments concerning the proof and the explanation of the biological effectiveness of the Priore Ray.
Plate 7 The Priore machine.  The model financed by Pautrizel, the only one which is still likely to function, the one with which patients will be officially looked after as from 1977, is finished in August 1968.  In fact, the apparatus is installed all in one place.
Plate 8 1969.  Old friends of Priore retrace the road to Floirac.  With a monkey-wrench or soldering-iron in hand, they devote all their leisure time to building the new machine for their friend.  Here, on the scales, inspector Plantin, of the legal identity service.  In coveralls, scarf around his neck, municipal worker M. Léglise.
(Archives R.P.)
Plate 9 A courageous man.  Perpetual Secretary of the Academy of Sciences, elder President of the Academy of Medicine, "father" of endocrinology and fertilization, Professor Robert Courrier could have benefited from its prestige and its retirement.  At 67, he took all the risks to defend that which he believed in deeply.  He has fought now for twenty years.  One of the rare photos of him, in the company of Antoine Priore and Professor Pautrizel, taken on 25th March 1970 in the laboratory at Floirac.
(Archives R.P.)